How the CIO can adjust to the new realities of digital transformation and accelerate business change
Digital transformation is a frequently used term, but what does it really mean? First and foremost, it is about business change and organisations reinventing themselves to take advantage of the digital era. More than that, they must reinvent themselves or risk being sideswiped by the digital start-ups. This has turned IT from a cost function to a revenue generating function, and placed it at the heart of business strategy.
The relationships between the IT department and the business are being redrawn; and to be successful in their transformation efforts, the IT department must go further into the business than it ever has done and get to grips with business strategy. The enterprise organisations that are achieving the most success with digital transformation are the ones that have successfully aligned the needs and expectations of the IT department with those in the business at large. However, experience tells us that this change doesn’t come easily and that competing agendas in IT and the business often obstruct progress, and give rise to conflict and tension.
The Cloud Industry Forum (CIF), in partnership with Ensono, commissioned this special research project to understand these issues in more detail. Surveying 200 business (BDMs)and IT decision-makers (ITDMs) from UK-based organisations, the research aims to unravel some of the key questions and challenge the established perceptions that CIOs and business leaders have on digital transformation: its purpose, who is responsible, how it is changing internal relationships and the skills required to deliver business change.
Download the report to discover how well IT and business leaders within UK enterprises are adjusting to the new realities brought by digital transformation, what they are doing it for, and what the CIO needs to be successful.