Snapshot of key findings
Cloud landscape:
- Cloud adoption remains high with 78% of organisations using Cloud services today and this is likely to increase to 85% within the next two years;
- Of those organisations using Cloud, three quarters expect to increase their usage in 2016;
- 77% of organisations that use Cloud have deployed two or more services and they store, on average, 29% of their data in the Cloud;
- Around six in ten (63%) foresee a time when they will move their entire estates to the Cloud, with the remainder intending to keep certain applications in-house;
- Webhosting (57%), email (56%), ecommerce (53%) and collaboration services (52%) are the applications most likely to be hosted in the Cloud today;
- The biggest growth over the next few years will be in Unified Communications, which promises to deliver significant benefits for end users
The adoption process:
- On average, it took 19 months to migrate respondents’ applications to the Cloud;
- Over two thirds (69%) of organisations were required to invest in additional hardware and software in order to migrate their applications;
- The vast majority were satisfied with their chosen methods of migration, although 93% felt that it could have been improved in some way;
- Final decision-making about the move to Cloud falls to the Head of IT/CIO in around six in ten organisations, although a range of internal stakeholders are involved in the decisionmaking process
The benefits of Cloud:
- The flexibility of the delivery model (77%) stands as the most common reason given by Cloud users for their initial adoptions. This is followed closely by scalability (76%) and 24/7 service dependence (74%);
- Over two in five (45%) say that enabling innovation is a business objective driving their continued investment in Cloud. Enhancing business continuity (37%) and improving customer service (31%) are the other objectives most likely to drive investment;
- 64% have found that using Cloud has saved their organisation time and 86% report that their organisation has experienced at least one intangible benefit of Cloud Inhibitors of Cloud:
- Security concerns are a primary reason for not wanting to move specific applications to the Cloud for two thirds of organisations;
- Similarly, during the decision-making process for Cloud migration, 75% were concerned about data security and 56% about data privacy;
- However, the vast majority (98%) of all respondents have never experienced a breach of security when using a Cloud service
Digital Transformation strategy:
- A minority (16%) currently have a Digital Transformation strategy, but a further 55% report that their organisation is in the process of implementing one;
- Digital Transformation strategies benefits Cloud users – 38% of organisations using Cloud and that have a Digital Transformation strategy say that Cloud has given their organisation a significant competitive advantage;
- 79% of respondents whose organisation has implemented a Digital Transformation strategy say that Cloud is important/very important to it;
- The driving force behind an organisation’s Digital Transformation strategy (60%) is most likely to come from the CIO in the organisation